April 4, 2010

I dont have to

I know they mean well, thing is I feel there is a difference, between someone giving you advice to let you decide, and someone who tells you and constantly acts like you need it,

At least in my case I dont tell people shit cause they are fucked up, I just express my opinion, in the end what works for me, might not work for you. Some people's lives work just fine as they screw others over, some cant cause the guilt eats them up.

Anyway that aint why Im writing, in my opinion I feel that acting like someone needs it, goes hand in hand with judgement,

I mean who are we to say anyone NEEDS anything?

I feel I dont need anything, I want money yet I dont need it, If and If I want to do certain things in my life, I require money to make it happen, but in the end there is always a choice, I can be homeless, if it got that far.

I got into an argument once because I told my boss I dont feel I HAVE to do anything, I feel I do things because I choose to, and want to.

He and I got into a big argument, it was safe, nothing crazy, just regular guys arguing loud and shit, making people uncomfortable like you gonna fight, but then go to the bathroom and to be continued.

anyway I told him I dont have to work, I choose to, because I could go work somewhere else if I hated my job, I dont HAVE to deal with anything, he didnt agree with none of this,

but what pissed him off was when he said, "there are obligations in life", like taking care of your kids,

and I said, "you dont have to take care of your kids", well he went kinds nuts, saying how could it be, its responsibility, and I said

"I wouldnt take care of my kids cause I have to, but because I love them and want to"

I said" I dont have to, I can abandon them and go live somewhere else, I can give them up for adoption, I can choose to do many things, instead of taking an obligation.

I dont know how I got here with this blog, but it felt good to write about it.

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